Monday, August 27, 2007

Smoking Jacket

Fiona Carswell has a nice project for all you smokers out there (including me).
The jacket has a built-in pair of lungs on the front. As the wearer smokes, the lungs fill up with the exhaled cigarette smoke and begin to gradually darken over time.

This project was a result of exploring reflective design as it relates to the body, behavioral choices, and information displays.

Source: Architectradure.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Image Manipulation Using ‘Seam Carving’ From SIGGRAPH 2007

Great technology being presented at SIGGRAPH 2007, for editing and manipulating images.

Source: [draw.logic]

Friday, August 3, 2007


The reactable is a collaborative electronic music instrument with a tabletop tangible multi-touch interface.